Will be trying out running VirtualBox to satisfy my windows needs (banking, etc - Handelsbanken does not support Linux...).
More to come.
Ok, had problems with the default Ubuntu VirtualBox package, so I downloaded the latest version from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads. Installed it and got it running. Currently installing XP and performing upgrades (installed SP1):
But some problems may be yet to come:
More to come.
Trying to get the USB working with this tutorial:
Need USB to get Handelsbankens j-vla Nexus Personal att importera min cert!!
Some problems still remaining with VirtualBox:
- CPU goes to 100% of one of the cores when I plugin a USb device - known problem, no fix found...
- VirtualBox OS hangs when I suspend Ubuntu - fix for this is supposed to out in release 2.0.4 of VirtualBox...
This might be a really good idea for me:
More to come.
Ok, had problems with the default Ubuntu VirtualBox package, so I downloaded the latest version from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads. Installed it and got it running. Currently installing XP and performing upgrades (installed SP1):
But some problems may be yet to come:
More to come.
Trying to get the USB working with this tutorial:
Need USB to get Handelsbankens j-vla Nexus Personal att importera min cert!!
Some problems still remaining with VirtualBox:
- CPU goes to 100% of one of the cores when I plugin a USb device - known problem, no fix found...
- VirtualBox OS hangs when I suspend Ubuntu - fix for this is supposed to out in release 2.0.4 of VirtualBox...
This might be a really good idea for me: